"Glistening View" 2008

"Glistening View" 2008
Chicago, Illinois

Monday, January 31, 2011

Vote for Me to Win the People's Choice Award!

I have officially entered three of my photographs into the Artist's Wanted competition. Please vote for my portfolio by clicking on the stars at the top right hand corner of the page.

Thank you for your support!!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Photographs Now on ETSY!!! :)

I finally have some photos up on Etsy!! Here is my link... http://www.etsy.com/shop/stampart81

There are only a few up, but stay tuned! Many more to come!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jamaican Lights

Light comes in many different formats- natural, florescent, incandescent- just to name a few. Light can also be very abstract. While on our honeymoon in Jamaica, I became fascinated by the atmosphere, unique structures, and decor that continually displayed amazing light. I sometimes wonder if other people see these details as I do, because they are so striking to me. The following photographs are of the various lights I found to be extremely notable.

What would we do without light?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Calendar Art

What to do with blank walls in an office? Create your own calendar art! We've all heard of creating your own calendars using photographs through those great websites such as Kodak or Shutterfly. Well, why not create your own, but turn it into a work of art by framing each piece! I am constantly needing a calendar to glance at while in the office, so I have assembled a compilation of our wedding photographs onto six different pages. Each page has two months on them. Simply frame each piece and arrange them into a collage on your wall. Now you can look at pictures and have a calendar to glance at- all at the same time!

Here is an example:

Of course, I have to extend a HUGE thank you to our amazing photographers (which I highly recommend for any special event). I couldn't have made this without their incredible talent. Thanks Finest Moments Photography!

I will post a picture once everything is framed, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another snow day in the Carolinas.  Since I'm stuck at home I thought I would remind myself of warmer days ahead, and my favorite season- Autumn. Happy 1/11/11!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Snow Came Tumbling Down

January 10, 2011
This morning everyone in Charlotte, NC woke up to a blanket of snow. Cars outside my house are still slipping and sliding all over the street. Luckily, our school district issued a snow day. Hooray!
I'm not particularly a fan of snow days down here because it means we have to make up the school day. I'll take it this time, however, because the amount of snow we are getting is actually worth it.
I took this opportunity to play outside with my dog Charlie. Usually she doesn't care for snow, but this time she had a blast! She even decided to pose for me a couple times. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reflections and Resolutions

Twenty Eleven starts my first full year as a married woman. I started this blog in 2009 as a Stamper, but I am now formally a Beirne. :)
It is tough letting go of a name you have had for 29 years. I feel it can even be more challenging as an educator because that is what you are called a million times a day. To make it even worse students constantly remind me that "Stamper was such a good art name!" However, every time that is brought up I simply say, "but Beirne rhymes with LEARN, and you learn in art class, don't you?"
This new year brings many exciting events and potential opportunities. I have decided to dive back into what I loved best about college- making art for art's sake. Painting was always my forte, but within the last four years I have grown to love digital photography. The digital world has exploded since I was in college, blindly unwinding and loading the film in the dark room. I love capturing moments that define the subject, that can tell a story without any words.
I hope to make this blog a place for viewers to appreciate my love for art. I look forward to posting all of my new work, and hope you enjoy!